As a Restoration Expert Panel Program Participant (REPPP) you have access to exclusive content not available to those who are not part of the program. Most notably, you have the ability to announce and display your affiliation with Restoration Expert Panel. Logos and usage information are available below.
REP Program Participant Press Release
Download a sample press release announcing your affiliation with REP. This is a PDF. You will need a program like Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.
REP Program Participant Logos
Download the Restoration Expert Panel Program Participant Logo Usage Guidelines. Before using the REP Program Participant logo, it is important that you read and understand the usage guidelines. This is a PDF. You will need a program like Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.
REP Program Participant logos are available for download in two formats, JPG and PNG. JPG files have a solid white background and are ideal for print and PNG files are transparent and ideal for web use. Other formats of the logo should not be needed, but if you do need to request one please contact us. To download the image files, click on the image you want to download. It will open in a new tab or window. Once it is open, right click it and select “Save Image As…”. This will open a dialog box that will allow you to choose where you wish to save the file. Save it in the directory of your choice on your computer. Do not link directly to these images